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Selection Process
The selection process for the Masters is open from February 16th, 2024, to November 30th, 2024. After receiving this Application Form, Milano Fashion Institute carries out a pre-selection according to the sent documents. Subsequently, the Academic Committee will inform you if the Application is suitable / or not. If eligible, Applicants must attend an oral interview with the Academic Committee, after which the final result (admission or non admission) will be communicated.
Distance interviews are accepted for international students.
The process usually requires a period of 3 to 6 weeks. We therefore invite the candidates to submit their applications as soon as possible.

The selection process takes place throughout the opening period of the inscriptions, in separate sessions of selection. For this reason, candidates may submit the Application Form, for the Masters by: October 31st and November 30th, 2024.

The NEXT DEADLINE for sending the application for the Masters is October 31th, 2024.

Starting date of lectures Masters: 27 January 2025.

Admission Requirements
In order to apply for the admission to the Milano Fashion Institute Master Programs, the candidate must have:
1. Degree equal to or higher than a Bachelor of Art, Master of Art or Master of Science. It is not necessary to have previously attended a Fashion related course.
2. Advanced level of English knowledge. 

Selection criteria
The selection is based on the evaluation of several factors, including the skills, knowledge, competences and pre-requisites of the applicant. Motivation that led the candidate to apply will be also considered, together with his/her level of involvement in the training project and future career aspirations. 

Selection documents to be sent
1. Application Form. The form is available online at: It must be completed accurately (in English or in Italian) in all its parts.
2. Copy of Degree certificate. The Master is aimed at both BA and MSc/equivalent graduates. The documentation must clearly include the University attended. If the degree was obtained between the date of conclusion of the selection process and the beginning of the Master, self-certification is required with a commitment to send the degree certificate by the starting date of the course.
3. Copy of your Passport or your ID card
4. CV in European format.
5. Motivation letter. The letter must include the reasons that led the candidate to apply in the Master and the interest in the industry.
6. Photo (passport type)
7. Copy of the Official Transcript (official certificate issued by the University) of the exams in original language. 
8. Copy of the English language certificate (TOEFL min 80; IELTS min 6.5 overall; PTE Academic min 51; CAE; CPE; BEC Higher)

The interview is conducted by the Academic Committee and allows the candidate to express his/her motivation, competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Distance interviews are available for international students. 

Knowledge of English language
An advanced and certified level of knowledge of the English language is considered an important element of candidate evaluation. In more detail we require:

  • TOEFL, minimum level 80;
  • IELTS, minimum 6.5 overall;
  • PTE Academic, minimum 51;
  • CAE;
  • CPE;
  • BEC Higher


Selections results
At the end of the selection process, a written statement will be sent to applicants with reference to the results of their Admission request. The outcome will be alternatively admission or non-admission of the application. The selection will take into account not only the profile of the candidate but also the composition of the class, in order to reflect the diversity of educational backgrounds needed in the Master. If the candidate is eligible for admission, but places available are already fully confirmed, the Milano Fashion Institute reserves the right to place such candidates on the waiting list for the next edition.
The results of the selection interviews are normally communicated within 10 working days from the date of the interview with the Academic Committee. 

Sending your Application Form
For the Masters the Application Form (with all the documents attached) must be submitted no later than November 30th, 2024, alternately as follows:
1 / by the online form, available here (recommended method)
2 / by e-mail to: (maximum size allowed: 6MB)
If the candidate does not receive any response within 4 weeks after sending the Form, please contact the following numbers: 0039.02.3031.6640 or 

Financial commitment
The participants are required to have a significant commitment both personally and financially.
The total value of the Master is € 18,000 to be paid through 4 installments throughout the year as follows:

1st installment> € 4,500 upon acceptance of the admission;
2nd installment> € 4,500 by January 8th, 2025;
3rd installment> € 4,500 by March 8th, 2025;
4th installment> € 4,500 by May 3rd, 2025.

Costs include a part of the study material and the use of facilities of the Institute. Each student will be given iPad inclusive of study material in digital format, as a complementary dotation necessary for the didactical activity, at no additional cost. At the end of the Master, iPad will become property of the student.

1. The first installment is non-refundable. The participant is allowed to withdraw or to ask eventual change of the program, up to the eighth calendar day preceding the starting date of the course, by submitting a letter (priority mail service) to the registered address of the Milano Fashion Institute, anticipated in any case, by fax and / or e-mail; if so, the participant may request the return of fees paid, except for the first installment.
2. If the member, with methods described in the previous article, demonstrated an intention not to participate at a later date, that does not give notice and is not present in class, he/she will not be entitled to any refund and must pay the full fee bearing in mind that he/she could within a (calendar) year from the starting date of the Course, attend the next edition of the Course (if applicable) or another MFI Master Program, upon payment of price adjustment. 

Personal expenses
The cost of living in Milan is similar to that of the main European cities. Candidates must consider an average figure of € 800 - 1,000 for personal expenses, divided as follows: € 400-500 for accommodation; € 200 - 300 for meals; € 50 for local transportation; € 150 for miscellaneous costs. 

The Milano Fashion Institute is actively involved in seeking scholarships for their students. Information regarding scholarships for the 2025 Masters will be available soon.

Download and fill the application form available below, or use the on-line form available here.


Which students are eligible for the Masters?

Which students are eligible for the Masters?

Which are the Admission requirements for the Masters?

Which are the Admission requirements for the Masters?

By when will I know the results of the selection?

By when will I know the results of the selection?

When will the selections be open for the coming Master?

When will the selections be open for the coming Master?

How many students can attend the Masters?

How many students can attend the Masters?

Do I need to speak Italian to apply?

Do I need to speak Italian to apply?

Is it possible to withdraw the application for the admission to the Master?

Is it possible to withdraw the application for the admission to the Master?

When will the next Master editions start?

When will the next Master editions start?

Which is the language of the Masters?

Which is the language of the Masters?

Who are the teachers of the Milano Fashion Institute?

Who are the teachers of the Milano Fashion Institute?

What level of English proficiency is required?

What level of English proficiency is required?

Is it necessary to have certificates of proficiency (ie TOEFL, GMAT, etc)?

Is it necessary to have certificates of proficiency (ie TOEFL, GMAT, etc)?

When will the Master take place?

When will the Master take place?

What is the duration of the Master?

What is the duration of the Master?

What is the cost of the Master?

What is the cost of the Master?

Is it possible to visit the Milano Fashion Institute?

Is it possible to visit the Milano Fashion Institute?

Where is Milano Fashion Institute?

Where is Milano Fashion Institute?

How do I apply for a Student Visa?

How do I apply for a Student Visa?

How do I find accommodation in Milan?

How do I find accommodation in Milan?

How is the selection process carried out?

How is the selection process carried out?

What application documents do I need to submit?

What application documents do I need to submit?